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2100 Series Tub and Alley

The 2100 Series Tub and Alley is designed to make cattle handling and work easier and safer. Low stress handling practices create calmer cattle, safer work environments, and more enjoyable work. The system works with the animal’s natural behaviors decreasing the amount of pressure that needs to be used to get them in the tub and loaded in the alley. The convenient pin together design allows the system to be set up quickly. Additionally, it gives the system flexibility to be set up in different configurations and accommodate add-on components. This gives you the ability to customize the system to your specific needs and specifications. The included adjustable panel gives you the option to curve the alley. All alley panels can be quickly removed to gain access to animals that have gone down in the alley, or to be able to quickly empty the alley in case of an emergency. The alley bows are are adjustable and are easily adjusted from 18.5″ to 29″ in width. The 2100 tub and alley is perfect for any size of operation, whether that is 15 cows or 1500, and with Powder River’s commitment to quality built into the system, its sure to be around for years to come.

A favorite add-on of the 2100 Series working system is the Diversion Alley Package. This great feature allows you to easily divert cattle down 2 separate alleys. This gives you the flexibility to set up different equipment in front of each alley and makes it so you don’t have to move it. Perfect for setting up calf tables and alleys.

Tub Radius……………………………………………………………………………. 10’
Tub Panel Height ………………………………………………………………….. 67”
Alley Panel Height ………………………………………………………………… 67”
Alley Width ………………………………………………………………… 18.5” – 29”
Overall Length ……………………………………………………………………. 30’7”
Inside Max Height ……………………………………………………………..75.75”
Sheeting ………………………………………………………………….16/14-Gauge

Order NO………………….. Description……………………………………………Weight*
017-00000 ……………2100 180˚ Tub & Alley …………………………….. 2400 lbs.
017-00005 ……………2100 180˚ Tub & 20’ S/E Alley …………………… 2450 lbs.
017-00025 ……………2100 90˚ Tub 10’ Panel ……………………………… 950 lbs.

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